Aula of the Ghent University
Voldersstraat 24
9000 Ghent
Parking facilities
Entering Ghent from the E40 or the E17 motorways, follow the arrows ‘P-route’ (parking-route) until parking P5 (Kouter), P6 (Centre Parking, Korte Meer) or P7 (Sint-Michiels).
From parking P5 (Kouter) you can reach the Aula via:
- Exit ‘Brabantdam’ --> walk into Kouterdreef, then (straight through) Kalandeberg and Kalandestraat, then turn left into Voldersstraat, the Aula is on your left.
- Exit Opera/Court House/Veldstraat --> walk into Korte Meer, walk past the Universiteitsstraat until you reach Voldersstraat. Turn right into Voldersstraat, the Aula is on your right.
From parking P6 (Centre Parking) --> turn left into Korte Meer. The Voldersstraat is the first street on your right. The Aula is on your right.
From parking P7 (Sint-Michiels) --> proceed through Onderbergen, turn left into Jakobijnenstraat, go straight across the bridge into Hoornstraat, which will change into Voldersstraat. The Aula is on your right.